Valve 3D presentation

3D presentation of Valve mechanism for SamaraVolgaMash factory. Maked all 3D clips, composing and final compilation. — 3D презентация особенностей и преимуществ промышленных кранов от их производителя – компании СамараВолгоМаш.


Download walpapers: 1024×768, 1280×800, 1280×1024, 1440×900, 1400×1050, 1680×1050, 1680×1050, 1920×1200 Print (poster): You can buy print of this and other my works on deviantarts Chose prefer description: 1) Some bla-bla about big layers of underground arts, who some thiime blow out and fill world to new colors 2) dreams of tree, which found some LSD …