Radeon 7890 X18 (contest work)

Radeon 7890 X18 (contest work)

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This work for contest from AMD, was carried on 3dnews.ru (popular russian site about technical news, computer, internet, science etc).
Grand prize was a top videocard (on that moments) AMD Radeon HD 3870 X2
Contest condition was a make image of videcard after 4-5 years. Solution need be will with humor.
As resultat I make this work, and take a first place.

Most jokes in text… I try to translate text, but you know my english… sorry about it 🙂

Introduce a newest graphic system:
ATI Radeon UHD 7980 X18
And system Quadro Crossfire PRO

Key features:
– Four card in one system! Incredibly power!
– ATI Radeon UHD 7980 X18 have a three graphic processor RV950 with six core in each. 18 graphic cores in one card!
– 24 GB internal GDDR-7 memory allow you enjoy clearly textures in Ultra HD quality!
– SharedRAM ™ technology allow operation system use up to 8GB graphical memory for OS needed. This can improve performance of your system.
– PCI-bridge “Golden Gate Edition” for Quadro Crossfire mode in complect.
– Quadro Ultra-HD interface for plug external holo-player.

(In right-botom corner:)
In work this card in full power, cooling system “Cosmic coolin” make a jet stream with thrust in 12 newton, this number double for crossfire system and be quadrupled for Quadro crossfire systems, and make up 48 newton.
For do not allow droping system block from a table, bolt down system block by packaged screw!
Generated jet stream have a high temperature by 120 C. Be careful! Do not distribute any flammable obstacle closest, then 1 yard from back wall of system block. Use only fireproof U-DVI and UHDMI cables!
Do not distribute unprotected body part in zones of work this cooling system!

By the laws of RF, graphical system with unified blocks with performance above, then ½ petaflops, this product need to obligatory certification immediately after buying in closest filial ministry of calculating protection.
Remind you: calculating of humand and animals genetic modification, and others illegal calculating disallow by RF laws!


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